The fear is real…

I am afraid. I live in fear every day of my life. I am a transgender woman, part of a marginalized group. I have been assaulted for being a “fag” in my life. I have had medical professionals dismiss my right to healthcare. I have been homeless and billeted with all men, fearing every night a rape. I have had my death wished for by bigots.

This Sunday morning, while hypocrites go to their churches and pretend they have love in their hearts, I sit on the outside of society. Looking in. Wishing that society really believed in freedom and justice for all. Wishing that our political leaders were not trying to force me to conform to their narratives. To these people I am a pervert playing pretend, instead of a woman who has birth defects which make her the object of hate and misunderstanding. These people, and their followers come from a place of hate. And so I fear.

This past week Donald Trump has instituted a regime of hate, a reign of terror designed to impose he and his followers’ will on people who have not done them wrong. I have always believed in talking things out and attempting to compromise so everyone gets something. Trumpistas believe in the concept of “Give me what I was and I’ll let you live for awhile”.

“Gender is biological”. “No healthcare for expressed gender except for conversion therapy”. This is the Trump way. You can’t even call the right Republicans anymore. With Republicans you could at least have a conversation. With Trumpistas you get told who and what you will be, and you don’t get a say or a choice. They claim to love freedom, and to not want “Gov’mint interference”. But when they don’t like how you use your freedom, they sick the government on you. This is being done now. They want to shove me back into the furry guy suit and don’t care if I suicide because of not being a man. “One less faggot”.

This is the stark reality of living in Trumps america. Conform or wr make your life hell. What has happened to the land I love and served…

Published by helenatgirl

Your average middle-aged Transgender Woman...

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